Jim Moore's "AAT Sink or Swim?" Web Site AAT Claims and Facts: Salt Glands http://www.aquaticape.org/saltglands.html |
Moore basically repeats arguments he has already phrased on the previous page, that salt glands are not absent in terrestrial birds or reptiles. He does so by quoting extensively from Peaker & Linzell (1975) giving a long list of terrestrial birds and reptiles (almost all arid adapted) which also have salt glands. His justification for doing this was that "the 'false facts' generated by AATers are persistent, and so I feel the facts must be stated once again." Moore rebukes Morgan by concluding "I must admit I find it discouraging that someone who is making up a theory with which they wish to supplant the past several decades of paleoanthropology does so little research before making such claims. This info is readily available" but appears to be guilty of his own poor research as, seven years ago Morgan made it perfectly clear that she felt that her early ideas on this had been "almost certainly wrong about that" (Morgan 1997:102) and that she was withdrawing her support from them. Further poor
research is shown as he, once again, is not forthcoming with citations of
the AAH proponents whose views he is so keen to publicise and refute. He
writes "She did finally say that she was dropping these bogus claims, but
these are related to her claims that human tears and sweat are aquatic
adaptations, and she and other AATers still make those claims." He doesn't
cite any example where she does still make such claims and indeed omits to
cite the very clear and unambiguous withdrawal of this claim in her latest
book (Morgan 1997:102-108) |
References: Morgan, Elaine (1997). The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis. Souvenir Press (London) |
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